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Skeet and Trap Range

Skeet and Trap shooting is very popular at IRPC. We have Trap League that begins in May and runs through October each year. Skeet and Trap shooting is held every Wednesday beginning at 3:00 p.m. on the 100 yard Rifle Range.  Our Wednesday Skeet and Trap shoots are open to the public.  Members wishing to shoot rifles during this time may use the Auxiliary Range. 

We have a Practice Trap Range with two traps available for members to use.  The Practrice Trap Range is  located at the extreme West end of the property.

IRPC proudly supports Spooner and Shell Lake High School Trap Teams with many of the students participating in local and national shoots.

In addition to our own league activities, our members participate in, and represent IRPC, at many other surrounding community events. Be sure to check our Events page for updates.

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